Dear Nechama's Closet,

"When I found out about Nechama's Closet, I was so relieved. The expenses of making a wedding are overwhelming, I could not afford Sheva Brochos clothing...You did everything is such a sweet and quiet way, I never felt needy. Please call me when you need volunteers, I will be very happy to reciprocate and help others just as you helped me...."

"Hashem should bless Nechama's Closet for sparing me tears of shame and for alleviating some of the financial stress that my family battles with every day...."

"When I come for my appointment, I am thrilled with what I find. New merchandise with price tags that read anywhere from $200.00 - $350.00...."

"For my last simcha, Nechama's Closet outfitted me with a gorgeous suit. It was a glorious moment for me, I felt and looked like a million bucks.

Thank you Nechama's Closet...."

"When I walked into Nechama's Closet, I had nothing to wear. I walked out with a complete wardrobe and my pride!..."

Dear Nechama's Closet,

Now that my wedding has passed, I am sitting down to thank all those that helped. I feel that I especially have to thank you. As you know, making a wedding comes with B"H a lot of preparations and that, of course, leads to so many expenses.

The expenses are just overwhelming. With everything there is to pay for, I really could not afford to buy Sheva Brochos clothing for myself.

When I found out about Nechama's Closet I was so relieved. It is so important for a kallah to feel and look good. After all, she is the star of the party!

You did everything in such a sweet and quiet way, without any announcements - I never felt "needy."

When I walked out of the clothing store on Kingston, I definitely felt like a kallah. It says that one is not only rewarded in the World to Come, but also in this world for hachnosas kallah. You are very lucky to be part of this mitzvah.

Good luck with Nechama's Closet. When you need volunteers, please call. I will be very happy to reciprocate, and help others just as you helped me.



Nechama's Closet would like to thank all of you for your support through participating in our second annual Chinese auction. You have made it our success! It is written that when a person helps a Kallah, they are rewarded not only in the World to Come, but also in this world.

It is also written that one who helps their community is blessed. May you be doubly blessed with all good things both spiritually and physically.


Wearing a sheitel has a beneficial impact on children and grandchildren, sustenance and health, as the Zohar states (III, 126a) that it has an effect on children, health, and sustenance...

Wearing a sheitel is especially appropriate now, when one can obtain a sheitel in various shades, which looks even nicer than one's own hair.

(From a sicha of the Rebbe, Rosh Chodesh Elul 5714)

A person is obligated to gladden his children and members of his household on the festivals, as it is stated and you should rejoice on your festival...and with what does one gladden the women?

In Babylonia one gladdens them by providing them with colored garments and in Eretz Yisroel with pressed linen garments.

(Pesachim 109a)

Dear Nechama's Closet,

As you may have noticed by now, I am a "regular customer" at Nechama's Closet. I am writing this letter to thank you for all you have done for me and to tell you a little bit about myself. I am a middle-aged, (seemingly) middle-class Lubavitcher woman - a wife and mother of a (k"ah) large family who is deeply grateful for Hashem's blessings.

I said that we are middle-class, but I like to think that in terms of chinuch, mentchlichkeit, and Yiras Shamayim, we strive to be, and at times reach, upper-class status. We are not timid or frugal when it comes to the spiritual and physical well being of our children. We carefully choose the best institutions for them, even when we cannot afford to. We cheerfully send them off with Hashem's rachamim and our tefillos and bitochon and somehow, the s'char limud gelt materializes.

When it comes to basic survival we seem to be squarely middle-class. Boruch Hashem, we pay for our rent, utilities, and food for weekdays, Shabbosim and Yomim-Tovim. Yes, sometimes there are disconnect notices. When it comes to everything else, clothing for us parents, furnishings and upkeep of our apartment, we are definitely of lower-class status. I don't shop at Loehman's, or Macy's or even Conways. I "shop" at frum thrift (read: used clothing) stores in Boro Park, or the Five Towns. For the ordinary weekdays and simple Shabbosim, out-of-date, somewhat worn (yet decent) used gemach clothes are good enough.

I comfort myself with the knowledge that my husband is a terrific guy, our children's neshamahs are being nurtured, and Hashem wants some people to be lower middle class. However, there are times when my cheerfulness, my "rejoicing in my lot," my contentment with my husband, is put to the test. Sometimes, when a Yom Tov rolls around, I realize that I've worn last year's outfits for a solid year already, I feel a little sadness, a twinge of self-pity. That is when I say a kapittel Tehillim, pick up the phone, and call Nechama's Closet.

"Did anything come in, in my size, which I can wear for Yom Tov?" I ask. The answer is almost always, "Yes!" When I come for my appointment, I am thrilled with what I find. New merchandise from a regular retail establishment! "Two hundred," one price tag reads, another says $350, but all Nechama's Closet asks for is a small donation to help them cover their rent. Boruch Hashem, I am able to wear at least one new outfit l'kavod Yom Tov.

And sometimes I'm put to a bigger test - a real simcha emerges, a Bar Mitzvah, an engagement, a chasanah. Oh, the ecstasy! Oh, the agony! What will I wear? Well, for the last simcha, my "baby's" Bar Mitzvah, Nechama's Closet outfitted me with a gorgeous suit. It was a glorious moment for me. I felt, and looked like, a million bucks. Thank you, Nechama's Closet! Then there was my daughter's engagement...The L'chaim, the first time meeting the mechutanim, the Shabbos Kallah, the Sheva Brochos...on all these occasions, my old, used clothes would look (and would feel) too poor. Once again, Nechama's Closet was there.

G-d bless Nechama's Closet for sparing me tears of shame and possibly, G-d forbid, marital strife; for alleviating some of the considerable financial stress that my husband battles with every day. G-d bless the wonderful women who run and organize it - who deal with the frustration of having to fundraise the rent, convince the store-keepers to donate stock, and then deal with many stressed out, difficult "customers" who come to their door.

G-d bless Nechama's Closet and G-d bless its financial supporters.

Sincerely, Devorah

And all Jews would borrow from one another... So that a poor girl who had no beautiful clothing of her own would not be embarrased... The maidens of Israel would go out and dance in the vineyards. The gemara explains the purpose of this activity...whoever lacked a wife would turn there to find one... What did the beautiful ones among those maidens say? "Pay attention to beauty." What did the homely ones among those maidens say? "Acquire your purchase for the sake of Heaven. But only on condition that after mariage you adorn us with gold, jewelry and beautiful clothing."

(Taanis 31a)

"What will you be wearing for your son's Bar Mitzvah?" I asked.

She looked down and straightened out her outfit with her hands. I suppose it was originally a navy blue color, but it had faded. "I...I was going to wear this suit," she answered quietly.

"Perhaps you would like something new. I have just the right suit for you. I just got it in," I replied.

I could hear her sigh of relief. I brought it out and she tried it on. Smiling, she examined herself in the mirror. Her daughters looked at her and beamed, "You look so good Mommy!" I could see her straightening her posture as she replied, "I do, don't I?"

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